

I’m Martha Collison and welcome to my blog. Here you will find all manner of treats, recipes and musings from my seaside kitchen. Find out more about me here!

Spiced milk and honey cake

Spiced milk and honey cake

It can be really difficult to find people that perfect gift at Christmas, especially if you are buying for a lot of people, which is why I regularly resort to the thing I do best; something edible! Giving a handmade gift is both thoughtful and cost-effective, and definitely won’t be something they have already. Whether you whip up a stack of cookies, a batch of festive fudge, or my most recent favourite: a whole cake.

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A whole iced cake in a pretty tin makes a perfect gift. Choose a cake recipe that will stay fresh for a week or so (a ginger cake or fruitcake is perfect) rather than a light sponge that will dry out, as this gives the lucky recipient enough time to enjoy it. I love these Dahlia themed tins from Laura Ashley’s Christmas collection with their golden lids – they look fantastic stocked full of cake and tied with a bow to give away (or keep for yourself!). Their cake forks and cake slicer are also gorgeous, with porcelain handles that match the tin.

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My recipe of choice this year is my spiced honey and milk cake. It is really simple to make, keeps everyone from the youngest to the oldest happy and keeps for 1-2 weeks when stored correctly, which is ideal gift-giving territory.  I’ve thrown on a few festive sprinkles, but you can decorate with whatever you like – a sprinkle of cinnamon works beautifully!



Spiced honey and milk cake

Recipe adapted from Crave, available on Amazon or high-street book shops. Blog post written in partnership with Laura Ashley.

Top advent calendars for FOOD LOVERS 2018

Pulled lamb shank and red wine pie

Pulled lamb shank and red wine pie